A practical worked example was made using the process above:
Using above as a guide, a program was then developed that produced a visual printout of the calculation as it is made. A LRC function is also contained within the program. The listing for just the LRC function is given below.
Public Function lrc(packet As String) As Integer
'Generate Longitudinal_redundancy_check
Dim lrc_total As Integer = 0
Dim byte_int As Integer
Dim byte_mask As Integer = 255
Dim byte_data As Integer
'run though packet to find lrc
For n = 1 To Len(packet) Step 2
'scan though string adding each byte
byte_int = (16 * ah2d(Mid(packet, (n), 1)) + ah2d(Mid(packet, (n + 1), 1)))
lrc_total = lrc_total + byte_int
'mask off byte to simulate 8 bit register
lrc_total = lrc_total And byte_mask
Next n
'generate final LRC
lrc_total = (255 - lrc_total) + 1
'mask off byte to simulate 8 bit register
lrc_total = lrc_total And byte_mask
'pass back result
lrc = lrc_total
End Function
This function calls upon the function below in order to translate the string hex characters into integers that can be added.
Public Function ah2d(input As String) As Integer
'Translates 0 - F to 0 - 15
Dim DataByte As Integer
'convert the input to ascii
If input <> "" Then DataByte = Asc(input)
'convert the ascii to decimal
If DataByte >= 48 And DataByte <= 57 Then
ah2d = Asc(input) - 48
If DataByte >= 65 And DataByte <= 70 Then
ah2d = Asc(input) - 55
ah2d = 0
End If
End If
End Function
The attached program (see link below) performs the LRC calculation and gives a breakdown of the process, the program was given the string 1103006B0003 and the printout below was produced.